Journal DiversitÉ urbaine



Diversité urbaine focuses on ethnicity, ethnic relations and immigration, religious diversity and social dynamics in Quebec and elsewhere in the world. The journal is a multidisciplinary publication, aimed at researchers whose work is based on empirical research.

The journal was founded in 2000 by Deirdre Meintel and Sylvie Fortin under the title Les Cahiers du Gres (volumes 1 to 6) and was renamed Diversité urbaine in 2007. The editors of the publication are Josiane Le Gall and Géraldine Mossière. Diversité urbaine is published twice a year.

The journal is available online on the Érudit website; printed issues are on sale at the Librairie de l’Université de Montréal, the Librairie Olivieri and the Librairie COOP UQAM, Judith-Jasmin building.

Note to authors: We publish mainly articles in French, except for occasional contributions in English. Manuscripts accepted for the evaluation process are read by two external specialists. They must then be revised by the authors in line with the comments given by the evaluators. We accept submissions at any time. Please refer to our submission guidelines for details concerning the format of manuscripts.

- Submission Guidelines (pdf)
- Call for Papers (pdf)